Donor Center
Benefits of Giving to the Community Foundation of West Texas
You don't have to stress over the paperwork.
We handle the administrative details.
You receive tax benefits.
You receive tax benefits in the year your gift is made.​

You decide how much you want to be involved in what your gift makes possible.
You can recommend an area of interest or organization you’d like your gift to support, or rely on the CFWT staff to determine and address the areas of greatest need in our community.
We set up a special fund for you.
It can be in your name, in the name of your family or business, or in honor of any person or organization you choose.
You make a gift to the Foundation.
You can give cash, appreciated stocks, real estate, or other assets.
Your gift is timeless. ​
Your gift can be placed into an endowment that is invested over time. Earnings from your fund are used to make grants addressing community needs. Your gift - and all future earnings from your gift helps to do good work forever.
You decide how you want the public to know about your gift.
Our board issues grants in the name of the fund you establish (if you prefer, grants can be made anonymously).
Timely Opportunities for Giving
Year-End Tax Planning
Just earned a large bonus, but no time to decide on the most deserving charities? Establish a Donor Advised Fund in the Community Foundation of West Texas for an immediate tax deduction, and stay involved in your gift by recommending distributions for months or years to come.
Simple Alternative to Private Foundations
Thinking about establishing a private foundation, but looking for a better, simpler way? Or, frustrated with the ongoing management of your private foundation? Establish a Donor Advised Fund or Supporting Organization in the Community Foundation of West Texas and stay personally involved with the distribution of gift dollars. Use the Foundation to handle the administrative and accounting chores.
Strategic Giving
Passionate about meeting a specific community need and want to make a meaningful gift? The Foundation staff uses expertise in local needs to recommend ways to make the greatest impact.
Sale of a Business
Own highly appreciated stock in a company that is about to be acquired? Structure a charitable gift of stock before the company is sold to reduce capital gains and increase charitable deductions and establish a Donor Advised Fund.
Closely Held Stock
Personal net worth tied up in a closely held company, but want to give back? Donate a portion of the company stock to the Community Foundation of West Texas; the company may buy it back for fair market value. Establish a Donor Advised Fund or planned gift; you are eligible for a tax deduction at the fair market value of appreciated stock (less any planned gift value).
Preserving an Estate
Estate planning identifies significant taxes going to the IRS, but you want to keep tax dollars local. Reduce your taxable estate through a charitable bequest or other planned gift. The gift creates your personal legacy that stays true to your charitable intent forever.
The Legacy Society
Your planned gift to Community Foundation of West Texas will have meaning and impact for years to come. We honor those who have made a lasting commitment by including charitable gifts to the foundation in their estate plans through the Legacy Society. Learn more about the Legacy Society.
There is so much more we would like you to know. Please review our Gift Acceptance Policy for more information and ideas on ways to integrate your financial planning with your charitable giving, or ask your financial advisor or contact the Community Foundation of West Texas at (806) 762-8061 or by clicking here.