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Affiliates of the Community Foundation of West Texas

For Good. Forever.

Creating impact in rural communities.

What is a regional affiliate?

A regional affiliate is a designated endowment within the Community Foundation of West Texas that is dedicated to improving the quality of life in a particular community or county.


The endowment is advised by a committee of local community leaders representing a broad array of community interests. This committee is responsible for promoting the benefits of the endowment in the community, raising funds for it, establishing guidelines for grants and recommending grantees.


Click here to learn more about our four affiliates, as well as the eleven other South Plains area counties that the Community Foundation of West Texas supports. 


Click on a tile to visit each affiliate's website! 

Hockley County Endowment

Established 2007

222 grants since inception

$317,136.74 granted since inception


Plainview Area Endowment

Established 2010

224 grants since inception

$373,835.43 granted since inception

Post-Garza County Endowment

Established 2010

149 grants since inception

$312,536 granted since inception


Slaton Area Endowment

Established 2012

110 grants since inception

$143,197.36 granted since inception

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