Founding Directors

​At the Community Foundation of West Texas's inception, the Board of Directors created the Founder Member Administrative Endowment Fund. The income earned on this fund is used for the operating expenses of the Foundation office, thereby eliminating the need for an annual drive for operating capital. The goal is 200 founder members who contribute $1,000 or more to this fund. At the present time there are 157 names on this roll and new founder member contributions are most welcome. Now, and in years to come, the founder members will be honored by others for their generosity and foresight in wanting to support the Foundation so it will be available to serve others who give for the benefit of worthy causes in Lubbock and the surrounding area.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Abbott
Aetna Life & Casualty Foundation
Alderson Cadillac, Inc.
American State Bank
Anderson Brothers Jewelers
Dr. & Mrs. Leslie Ansley
Anthony Mechanical, Inc.
Armstrong Moving & Storage, Inc.
Mrs. Baird’s Bakery
Norton & Joan Baker
The Baker Company
Bank of the West
Mr. & Mrs. W. K. Barnett
Mrs. Albert G. Barsh
Michael R. & Jeannie M. Bieber
Mr. & Mrs. Verlon Bigham
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Birdwell
Dr. Travis Bridwell
Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Blakey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Clem Boverie
Brazos, Inc.
Briercroft Savings Assn.
Dr. A.W. Bronwell *
Brooks Supermarket
Ms. Jane Wilson Bucy *
John W. & Jennifer Burdette *
Mr. & Mrs.Caraway
Mr. & Mrs. Watson Carlock
Mr. & Mrs. C.B. Carter *
Mrs. Paul Cates
Cement & Supply Company
Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Chambers
City Bank
Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Lubbock
David & Myra Collier
Mr. & Mrs. W.R. Collier
Mrs. Fern Cone
Mr. Alex Cooke, Sr. & Mr. Dan Law *
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Cooke, Jr.
Mrs. Annie Lee Cooke
Mrs. Verna Cooke *
Coopers & Lybrand, CPA’s
Mr. & Mrs. John Crews
Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Cummings
Ray & Lou Diekemper *
Mrs. Helen Devitt Jones *
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kassahn
Jack & Marjorie Kastman *
Mrs. J. Wright Kerr
Mike & Nancy Klein *
Kuykendall Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Kuykendall *
Mr. J.D. Leftwich
Lena Stephens, Inc.
H.C. Lewis Building Contractor
Lee & Debi Lewis
Mary Louise Livermore Foundation
Alan & Sandy Henry
Buster & Verdell Hicks **
Mr. & Mrs. W.D. Hord
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Houser, Jr.
Howard & Cunningham
Anne A. Hubbard
Don & June Hudgeons
Mr. & Mrs. Don Hufstedler
Estelle M. Hufstedler
E.K. Hufstedler Estate
Mr. J.D. Hufstedler
C.R. Hutcheson
Virginia Hutcheson
Mr. & Mrs. J.L. Irish
Mrs. Harmon Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. R.C. Johnson, Jr.
Mrs. Marcie Johnston
Dr. & Mrs. William Pasewark
Plains National Bank
Mrs. Parker F. Prouty
Robert & Cathy Ranck
Mr. James R. Ratliff
Republicbank Lubbock
Resthaven Funeral Home
Mr. & Mrs. Joe J. Reynolds *
Mr. & Mrs. John Riedinger
Mr. & Mrs. T.A. Rogers
Judy & Randy Rutledge
Mary Beth Scull
Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Dr. & Mrs. John Selby
H.A. & Barbara Sessions
Shadow Hills National Bank
Mrs. Byron A. Shotts
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Sisco
Sitton Drilling Company
Mr. & Mrs. L. Edwin Smoth
Southwestern Public Service Co.
Spears Furniture Company
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Spears
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Stafford
Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Stanley
Tersco of West Texas, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Timberlake
Mr. & Mrs. Tex Timberlake
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Tinney
Mr. & Mrs Fred Underwood
United Supermarkets, Inc.
John & Sandra Walton
Mr. J.M Welborn
Mr. & Mrs., Harry Westmorland
Robert J. & Judith A. Wey
Whisperwood National Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. White
Mr. & Mrs. J.G. Wilkerson, Jr.
Nat & Georgia Williams **
Earl Wade & Barbara Wilson
George C. & Vivian Wilson
J.W. & Corinne Wright *
Dr. & Mrs. W.H. Long
Lubbock Avalanche Journal
Lubbock Electric Company
Lubbock National Bank
Lubbock Power & Light & Water
Lydick Roofing Co.
Anne Cathey Lynch & Susan Cathey Broome
Mrs. Charles Maedgen, Jr.
Margaret Mahon, Trustee, D.D. Mahon Estate
Mr. John B. Malouf
Mr. & Mrs. A.L. Mangum
La Rita Mason
R.B. Masterson, III Ranch
Phillip M. & Mary Nell Mathis
Mr. G. C. McCrary
Mr. & Mrs. Craig McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. George McDuff
Don & Ethel McLeod
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. George Miller **
Mrs. Randolph T. Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Murrell **
Mr. Reuel Nash
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Neal
Mr. & Mrs. Tom C. Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Noble
Mr. W.D. O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Don Osborne
Padgett Contrstruction Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Paikowski
Mrs. Kara Moore Dunn *
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Eagan
Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey Elliott, Jr.
Energas Company
Mary Jo English
Farmers Co-Op Compress
Wayne & Emily Finnell **
Mr. & Mrs. Giles Forbess
Forrest Foundation
Edwin & Evelyn Forrest
Mr. & Mrs. R.P. Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. R.H. Fulton
Furr’s Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Tracy D. Gage
Bruce & Mary Gentry
Mr. Robert A. Gentry
Weldon & Ruth Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. J. Owen Gilbreath
Mr. Don Graf
Otice & Mary Faye Green
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Guy **
Jack & Shelley Hall Foundation
Hamilton Roofing Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Kent R. Hance
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hatch