Planned Giving with the Community Foundation of West Texas
Create a lasting legacy that will impact the community for years to come.
The Community Foundation of West Texas offers a wide range of planned giving opportunities to help
you support the causes you love while enjoying significant tax benefits.
The simplest gift is a bequest in your will or trust that directs specific assets or a percentage of your estate to establish a fund or add to an existing fund.
Life Estates
You contribute your primary home, a vacation home, farm or ranch to the Foundation, but you retain the right to use it during your lifetime. You receive an immediate tax deduction, and the property is not included in your estate.
Retirement Plan and Insurance Beneficiary Designations
You can create a named fund at the Foundation by designating us as the beneficiary of a retirement plan such as an IRA, 401(k), or life insurance policy. At death, the assets transfer to the Foundation, reducing estate and income taxes.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Through an irrevocable trust, you receive fixed or variable payments for your lifetime or a term of years. The remainder passes to the Foundation, creating a permanent fund in your name to benefit the charitable cause that you designate.
Charitable Lead Trust
Your income producing asset funds a trust with a gift of the income flowing to your fund at the Foundation during the term of the trust. Remaining assets go to your heirs free of tax on the asset’s appreciation.
Charitable Gift Annuities
A simple contract guarantees you a fixed income in exchange for a gift to the Foundation. Annuity rates are set by the American Council on Gift Annuities.
The Community Foundation is able to assist you in your philanthropic endeavors to improve life in West Texas. Your desire to leave a legacy and to be an important part of tomorrow begins with an estate plan.
The Path to Planned Giving
Step 1
Consult your investment advisor
Step 2
Consult your attorney
Step 3
Consult with the Community Foundation of West Texas if you so choose.
Step 4
Complete your desires utilizing the appropriate above professionals.