South Plains Arts Groups Receive Grants

Earlier this week, the Lubbock Area Foundation awarded more than $200,000 to area arts groups from allocations through the Sybil B. Harrington Endowment. In all, 18 grants were awarded to area organizations whose missions are to utilize the visual and performing arts to educate, entertain or inspire local audiences. The Foundation announced their largest grant so far this year of $100,000 to the Lubbock Entertainment and Performing Arts Association, which is in the process of soliciting funds for a new performing arts center in Lubbock. The grant will be paid out over 10 years.
Checks totaling $217,661 were presented to:
Ballet Folklorico Aztlan de Lubbock Ballet Lubbock Charles Adams Studio Project – CASP Each One Reach One Flatlands Dance Theater Hub Theater Group Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts Lubbock Arts Alliance Lubbock Moonlight Musicals (2 awards) LEPAA Lubbock Symphony Orchestra National Cowboy Symposium & Celebration Texas Tech Presidential Lecture & Performance Series Plainview Community Concert Association Texas Tech University Foundation-Dept. of Landscape Architecture Wayland Baptist University Youth Orchestras of Lubbock – YOL