Grant Story: Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lubbock was established in 1970 and has created successful at-risk youth mentoring programs for the South Plains.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lubbock has matched thousands of children with their adult mentors. One of the programs that Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lubbock has is made possible through the Lubbock Professional Police Association.
The annual Santa Cops event is an opportunity for children in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lubbock mentoring program to get to work with and understand their local Lubbock Police Department. The officers and adult mentors partner to give the kids a day full of clothes, shoes, gifts, and a visit to Santa.
The event allows the children and their families to be served in a different capacity by Lubbock police officers.
To learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lubbock, please visit them online at