Featured Grant Story: Easy R Equine Rescue

What is Easy R Equine Rescue?
The purpose of the Easy R Equine Rescue is to rescue and rehabilitate abused, neglected, and displaced horses, and to use these horses and the process of rehabilitation to minister to the emotional and spiritual needs of children and families. The organization serves Lubbock and the surrounding areas of the West Texas Panhandle.
In 2018, Easy R Equine Rescue received funds from the Community Foundation of West Texas Fund for Animal Welfare for the medical care of horses. The project specifically assisted with costs related to the rescue and rehabilitate horses relinquished to Easy R Equine Rescue from local law enforcement agencies. Eight of the nine horses that came into the rescue in 2016 were horses seized by the Lubbock County Sheriff’s Department in animal cruelty cases. Most of the horses that come from law enforcement have special needs for some sort that require significant monetary resources.
If law enforcement does not have a rescue ready to accept horses that are seized due to neglect and abuse, then the horses are either euthanized or sold at the local auction. Most malnourished horses at the auction are bought to be put down. Each horse from law enforcement is most likely saved from death. After being rehabilitated, these horses go on to make wonderful companion animals for local area families.
Easy R Equine Rescue in Action
Easy R Equine Rescue knows that medical/veterinary expenses will be a large budget item due to the horses they rescue being in poor condition. In June 2018, Easy R Equine Rescue took in Chablis, a horse that was in one of the worst conditions they had ever seen. After viewing pictures of her, many staff and volunteers were afraid she would not survive the trailer ride from Abilene to Lubbock. They instructed the people bringing her to meet at the veterinary hospital. Upon seeing Chablis for the first time, their first thought was, “How in the world is this horse still alive?”
After many months of rehabilitation with love and care, Chablis is a healthy 20-year-old off the track thoroughbred and is ready for adoption. Chablis’s story touched many in the community, with news teams covering her story and building her a supportive following. Easy R Equine Rescue still receives calls and emails regarding how Chablis is doing.
Chablis's progress from intake at Easy R Equine Rescue to present day.
When shown pictures of the condition Chablis was in upon arriving to Easy R Equine Rescue compared to how healthy she is now, everyone can see the resilience and sheer will to live present in her gaze. The team at Easy R Equine Rescue knows it was worth every penny to rehabilitate Chablis and to save her life. Thanks to grants that are specific to veterinary care of the horses Easy R Equine Rescue can provide services desperately needed for these horses because of the community’s generosity.
People who witnessed Chablis's arrival and journey to good health could see the resilience and pure will to live in her eyes. Easy R Equine Rescue was grateful for the opportunity to restore Chablis's health and they want to thank the community for their generosity.
To learn more about Easy R Equine Rescue, please visit them at www.easyrequinerescue.org or on Facebook.