2022 Clay R. Warren Memorial Scholarship Recipient
The 2022 Clay R. Warren Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Plainview High School senior Sophie Cain. Sophie plans to attend the University of Texas at Austin and major in public relations. While in high school, Sophie participated in activities including student council, cheerleading, and choir. Sophie has also spent time volunteering with PAWS Pet Adoption, Snack Pak 4 Kids, Meals on Wheels, and in the child care center of the First Baptist Church of Plainview.
The Clay R. Warren Memorial Scholarship was established by Mark and Freada Warren in memory of their son Clay, who was tragically killed in 2002. Because of Clay’s spirit this scholarship was created so that many who have made this possible can rejoice at the opportunity to help a PHS student of the Choral Music Department performance group enroll in a post-secondary education program.
Continue scrolling to see videos and photos of the scholarship presentation event and learn more about Sophie and her plans for the future. To apply for a scholarship through the Community Foundation of West Texas or donate to a scholarship fund, visit www.cfwtx.org/current-scholarships.