CFWT Mini-Grants for Teachers Story: Cathelene Thomas Elementary School
Cathelene Thomas Elementary School hosted a community-wide activity on its downtown square with Mini-Grants for Teachers Grant from the Community Foundation of West Texas. The “Tigers Reaching for the Stars” event provided 5th-grade students and their families with an opportunity to see stars and planets through telescopes set up by teachers. One teacher said “Students were able to view Jupiter and Saturn fairly easy that evening.”
Nearly 100 people attended the first “Tigers Reaching for the Stars” event, and the 5th-grade teacher plans to host another in Spring 2022 and more in the future. The Cathelene Thomas Elementary wrote, “Our school will continue to host these events using the telescopes that the grant awarded us, and it will continue to be a blessing to us all!! I look forward to this event growing each time we set up.”
To contribute to the Community Foundation of West Texas and help other local teachers through the Mini-Grants for Teachers grant, please click the following link:
