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#SPneighbors Grant Story: Slaton Senior Citizens Association

With a grant from the South Plains COVID-19 Response Fund - the Slaton Senior Citizens Association purchased personal protection items for its meal delivery teams. The organization used the grant funding to stock up on products like “gloves, masks, sanitizer for the hands and vehicle and plastic bags in which to deliver the meals to the door for a touchless delivery.”

The SSCA details how these items affected its operation for future deliveries: “The way we deliver meals is now improved due to the receipt of this project. Prior to COVID, we use a small tub to place all the food items and take to the door. The client had to shuffle multiple items every day and often they had to make several trips to get all their meal. Now with the use of plastic sacks they only need to handle one item, the bag. We will continue using the one-bag method.”

If you would like to donate to the Community Foundation of West Texas and support organizations like Slaton Senior Citizens Association, give through this link:


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