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#SPneighbors Grant Story: South Plains Food2Kids

For many years South Plains Food2Kids has fed children in the community by sending snack bags home with them at the end of each week. With the help of the South Plains COVID-19 Relief Fund, South Plains Food2Kids overcame the obstacles the pandemic threw at them to feed the children of the South Plains while school went virtual.

COVID brought new challenges that the organization had to overcome in order to continue its mission and many new children to feed. A South Plains Food2Kids representative says, “Many families had a spouse laid off, or hours reduced, and therefore found it even more difficult to put food on the table.”

Slate Group volunteered to help and packed bags during their downtime throughout the day. They set up a packing station in the middle of their warehouse and delivered bags to meal sites. In one week the company stuffed more than 4,000 snack bags!

The organization speaks of the importance of this project, “This project has help preserved our mission, which is to help provide weekend snack bags as a supplement so that children can continue to focus on their school work.” The nonprofit continues, “Districts worked hard to have open meal sites and bus routes to provide 2 meals a day. Thankfully with this grant we were able to provide additional bags of food to help fill that unexpected gap.”

If you want to donate to the South Plains COVID-19 Relief Fund, click the link below:


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